It’s that emotion when you want to tuck yourself into a tight little ball, roll into a dark corner, and disappear. You feel like a bad person who is unworthy, unlovable, and cast out.

Shame feels like you’ve done something very, very wrong — so wrong that your self-esteem withers, and you see yourself as seriously flawed. You are filled with self-loathing and inadequacy.

What is Shame?

Shame is a painful, debilitating emotion that arises from a negative, highly critical evaluation of one’s self. Unlike guilt feelings, which arise from one’s actions, shame encompasses your essential worth as a person.

When someone experiences deep shame, it can trigger the sympathetic nervous system which causes a fight/flight/freeze reaction. 

Internalized shame that lingers for years can alter your self-image and ability to function in life. Or it can fester just below your conscious awareness and arise only when triggered. (for the complete article click here!)

CLICK HERE FOR THE Barrie Davenport ARTICLE ON 13 Top Strategies For Overcoming Shame!